Release notes 0.9.3

Course planning system in the portal

School admin can create shared courses provided by his or her school. School admin can registers his or her school as participating in a shared course provided by another school. Teachers of a shared course can edit a restricted set of details for their course. A student can pre-enroll to a shared course. Students can also post-enroll to a shared course if the course was not filled during the first enrollment phase. A school admin can decide that a course offered by his or her school will not be held, if the enrollment count is insufficient. A school admin can unenroll one of its own students from a course, and the user is immediately notified by email. A teacher or school admin can send a free-form email notification to enrolled students from the portal. Students are automatically notified by email if they have a seat on a course at the end of the course planning cycle.


It is now possible to register as a school admin.

Updates of the application

There is now printing functionality for notebooks. The app atomatically adds the number of the assignment on the title of the homeassignment. Homeassigments can now be given by dragging. There is a new tool for sign charts. Better user interface, support for “directions” of function by sign of derivative.

General improvements

The app is now more reliable and easy to use due to bugfixes and improvements in the user interface.

Posted in updates.

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