My Math Checker


{ "type": "solutionelement", "name": "solutionelement-checkerdemo", "metadata": {}, "data": { "contents": [{"id": "sdelement-demodata"}], "contentdata": { "sdelement-demodata": { "type": "sdelement", "name": "sdelement-demodata", "metadata": {}, "data": { "dstepdata": { "declaration-ralph.back-20190425125838404-296": { "label": "+", "text": "", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {}, "type": "declaration", "definition": { "text": "$a_1{,}a_2\\in\\RR$", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "istext": true, "attrs": {} } }, "stask-ralph.back-20190425125630512-692": { "readonly": false, "task": [ { "text": "Prove that $2a_1a_2\\le a_1^2+a_2^2$", "type": "prove", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {}, "answer": { "text": "", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} } } ], "assumption": [], "observation": [], "derivmotivation": [], "term": [ { "text": "2a_1a_2\\le a_1^2+a_2^2", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} }, { "text": "0\\le a_1^2+a_2^2-2a_1a_2", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} }, { "text": "0\\le\\left(a_1-a_2\\right)^2", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} }, { "text": "\\T", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} } ], "relation": [ { "text": "\\Leftrightarrow", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} }, { "text": "\\Leftrightarrow", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} }, { "text": "\\Leftrightarrow", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} } ], "motivation": [ { "text": "add $-2a_1a_2$ to both sides, simplify", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "subshidden": false, "subderiv": [], "attrs": {} }, { "text": "binomial expression", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "subshidden": false, "subderiv": [], "attrs": {} }, { "text": "a square is always nonnegative", "readonly": false, "fillable": false, "subshidden": false, "subderiv": [], "attrs": {} } ] } }, "caption": { "text": "Example solution:", "readonly": true, "fillable": false, "attrs": {} }, "dsteps": [ { "id": "declaration-ralph.back-20190425125838404-296", "type": "observation" }, { "id": "stask-ralph.back-20190425125630512-692", "type": "task" } ] } } } } }
  1. Click on the "Check" button to see if the example is calculated correctly.
  2. You can exchange it with your own calculation, and check that one as well. Delete the existing or start fresh by clicking on the math calculation icon.
  3. The blue fields are for writing math. The math panel becomes visible when you click on a math field.
  4. You have access to 5 free demo checks every hour.

Use the checker always when practicing math